Self Care

Hi everyone - Here is another question which would be relevant to all therapists - not just KaHuna therapists.

When constantly giving, how do you arrange for self-care so as not to end up in a "burn-out" situation?

Leah Rice-Levitt

Regular massages and other allied health with other practitioners

Nourishing your body with good food and staying hydrated

Finding time between working with clients vs working on the business. Don't neglect your marketing and bookwork.

Honouring your home and family by choosing hours that truly work for you. Money isn't worth sacrificing your relationships.

Tracey Wood

Had some awesome advice from both Neikah & Ahren in the past.

For every 10 massages you give, you should receive one yourself.

Ezz Reece

Great question! 

Have set times that we work and don't make exceptions to fit in with clients.

Make sure we have two days off in a row.

Receive massage regularly

Do things that are nothing like a massage on our days off (to polarise our life).

Spend lots of time in nature

Know that it is not our responsibility to heal or fix anyone.

I've been doing this for 15 years, approx. 15 massages a week. And this works for me.

Danielle Argent

Hey there. Have do self work / body work weekly fortnightly at latest , learn clearing and protection techniques make sure you also clear the space after every client, walk barefoot daily, set intentions, deep gratitude for the magic that you bring .. 

Jo Goddard

1 massage for me , after every 20 massages given.

Sometimes that's weekly … so I've switched it to 1 me thing/ week.

Last week was a sauna, followed by a day at the beach. This week will be a sunrise SUP session with beautiful friends and, hopefully, a bodywork session.

I love love love allowing myself to receive. And the more I give to me, the more my business thrives. I guess like attracts like

Leah Rice-Levitt

Also, charge your worth. Undercharging just to attract more clients means you need to work more hours in the day and that burns you out. Get proper remuneration for all your energy and efforts.

It also means you are attracting clients who value you, and it is a more even exchange.

Rob Clements

Great question!

Salena Dieben

Love this!

As others said - setting the times you're available for clients and sticking to it.

Receiving regular bodywork for myself. Plus gym for strength training and stretching after clients

Scheduling "nothing" days where there are no clients and no working on business

Making sure I have nourishing food to fuel myself with while working

And lastly, showing up with what I have at the time. Not forcing myself to give more than I have. As a cyclic woman some days are just low energy days so I let my sessions be extra soft and slow when they need to be. This also ties in a bit with having knowing what I most love to offer as a bodyworker and calling in the aligned clients

Cal Snell

Give less of your time to others and spend more time filling your own cup. 

Adjust and Balance it until you feel satisfied in yourself and like you've got the right output vs input for you!

Roger Curtis

I organise a weekly session for myself and ride my bike a lot and garden and each morning. I stretch for 1 minute for every year old that I am. 71 minutes per day until the end of July. Those are my aims. I do fall short from time to time

Tristan Chappel

I got the same advice as Tracey Wood did, but that's 3 a week! I find booking a kahuna course once every 6 months helps lol. So, in light of my catch up with Neikah Verlinden this morning I think at least once a fortnight with Saffron Quantrell is really going to help me. But I'm funny, what ever neurological thing help people is attached to I'm addicted. To the point where me having 9 days off and only doing 5 massages was considered "pretty good effort" for me lol

Helen Lambert

Can I ask as a new therapist what would be the most massages you would give in a day? If they were 1.5hrs each.

I feel two in a day is my limit and I'm keen to hear what the veterans have to say. Especially when someone was saying they can give up to 20 massages a week!

Thank you 

Nikki Harper-Ward

Love the wisdom - I keep a self-care journal because when I get busy I forget to do self-care 

I try to get a massage once a month, and once every 3 months, I take a week's break. I never work on Sundays even if I have a ton of things to do - go back to the cyclic rhythms of my ancestors to see every 7th day is a rest day. Also, reserve the family time you need to keep those relationships healthy … listen to your body - it will guide you, too.

Kristy Clarke

I love this

That we can listen and reflect on what works best for each of us 

This is key

It truly is listening to your body and needs of how you want it to all flow

for you.

Personally, I've found for me 5 sessions a week is fabulous

It is my Magik number that allows freedom and flexibility without burnout

I've been kahunaering for 15 years

I flow with life

I love time for freedom and flow as I home-educate my boys

We go sailing and live on property with animals, surf and gather with friends

I don't have a schedule

and I charge highly for my offerings

I'm always fully booked with a waitlist, yet can flow with how my energy is feeling to take on more or last-minute calls as I feel so much spaciousness in my creation, and my clients love how I can accommodate them

All my work is word of mouth

Enjoy feeling and leaning into the life you wish to live and allow it to flow from there 

Janet Iseeu

I start at 7.30am and set my day up with positive intent

I clear studio for each client, and make sure I have an hours break between each

I average 3 to 4 a day

Every second Friday is my day so I kinda get a long weekend

My diary is FULLY BOOKED on that day for me, me, me, me, me time

I work every second Saturday on week I work Friday for those who have busy weeks however, they have to pay ahead of time as weekends are special for me, also I value myself and set respectful boundaries which they reply with good intentions that's why they pay upfront and im not let down

My weekly clients pay 1/3 upfront and lose if no show, and if they are late it comes out of their time and agree to this when making booking

I have 4 regulars who pay 2 to 3 months in advance as they work with terminal clients and this is their time out!

Out of respect for their service, they get a respectful discount

I don't discuss my pricing as in SA it's difficult and different to other stated

Please know we NEED more Kahuna people in SA please??????

Thanks for listening and hearing me 

Seonaid Boyle

Nature! Swims in the ocean! And realising that which is not yours to take on is not yours. Life is short; it's yours to enjoy. (Related to the last statement)

Claire O'Mullane

I feel like doing things I love, being present, sleeping well, getting outside a lot, swimming, eating fruit, staying hydrated, being the facilitator of the healing space, but letting the client do their own healing are the things that help me. Also, connecting with other practitioners, singing together or doing something aloha out in the community. But, sometimes, if I have other life stresses, I still get burnt out so, I'm not 100% sure 

I also smash out 3 days of 12 hours and have 4 days off in a row, so I get to recharge more than I work. It helps.


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